Sunday, July 27, 2008

Taste like Chicken

I turned my back on Robby for 2 minutes and this is what happened.

Not only did he eat 1 eraser, but 4! He was getting ready for #5 before I caught him. They must have tasted really good for him to keep on munching.

I expect to see them tomorrow sometime...I hope.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

a new hand rest

Robby has discovered a new place to rest his hands.

Lately I have been letting play in his sandbox without any clothes on...why create more laundry. And yesterday I caught him doing this...I thought it was just too cute not to share with you all.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Mr. Moose

Yesterday, at Grammy Karen's house, Robby found a new buddy. Mr. Moose. Karen's had this moose for a long time and Robby has always been afraid of it...until now. As we were leaving Grammy's house last night, Robby ran and grabbed Mr. Moose and would not let go of him. The poor moose had no choice but to come home with us. Today Robby has played and played with Mr.Moose. We had to cram him in Robby's car when we went on our walk this afternoon, and later I found Mr. Moose playing in the sandbox. They've had such a fun day together!

Snuggle time

Just taking time to think

It was a little difficult trying to get in
his car with Mr. Moose at the same time

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

My little helper

This morning, just moments after I finished cleaning the kitchen; sweeping and moping the floors, my little helper got in the tupperware drawer and neatly spread the lids and bowls everywhere. Then we went upstairs to fold and put away some laundry. And once again, my little helper was very busy.

This kept him occupied for a whole hour! Together we would fold them neatly, then he would try it on his own. Hopefully when he gets older he will still enjoy doing his chores...but I'm not counting on it!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Sum, Sum SummerTime!

Something I often like to do is, think back exactly a year ago and try to remember what we were doing at that particular time. Last year I remember all too well…. We were working, working, and working on our house in Auburn. Rob and I missed out on the last 3 or 4 summers because we wanted to save every dollar possible and all the time in the world to work on getting our house remodeled and ready to sell. Well this summer we are RELAXING! It has been so peaceful laying out in the backyard with 90 degree weather and a slight cool breeze, watching Robby play in the backyard with Benny running up begging for food and Gabby chasing the bugs. Now we get a chance to slow down and enjoy our lives, watch our son grow up, and remember what it was like being a kid again.

Robby is learning new things every day & is growing up fast. I am trying to savor every minute of it. We are so grateful for God’s blessings and for his hand that has always been guiding and leading us every step of the way. We are happy and we are home!

picking the grass

little footprints

Sad that its time to go inside

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Little Piano Man

Just like his Daddy,Grandpa Bob, Grandma Karen, Auntie Ness and Grandma Carol, Robby is already musically talented. He has shown an interest in music for some time now. He gets really excited hearing Rob play his keyboard and even more excited when Rob lets him play on it with him. He loves to push all the little buttons and hear the sounds change. Recently, I was able to find a little keyboard at a yard sale for $2. What a deal and Robby LOVES it!

Later today he discovered how to wear a backpack. He felt like such a BIG BOY. He got this for Christmas from his Auntie Ness. (Thank-you Nessy). He gets so many birthday/Christmas gifts, so I like to hide half of them and give them to him through out the year at different times. He played with his backpack for a long time and was pretty upset when it was time to take it off.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

We love the 4th of July where we can celebrate what a wonderful country we live in! We are truly BLESSED in many, many ways!

Today we were able to enjoy some festivities, ate lots of junk food, visited a little petting zoo, played at the park in the warm sun, shopped at some vendors, and saw beautiful fireworks.

My favorite part of the day = taking lots of pictures
Robby's favorite part of the day = playing with his balloon (which kept him busy for a LONG time)!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Just like Daddy...

I've been told by Rob's family that as a little boy, whenever he would eat, he would make yum yum sounds. Well guess who else makes those same noises?? No one taught Robby how to do this. He just started it when he began eating solid foods about a year ago. (I just finally decided to record it).


By the'll notice in the video how tired he was. We played outside all day and he was worn out! He can barely keep his eyes open!

Don't worry...soon we will be teaching him about table manners and how to eat with a fork!