Monday, October 27, 2008

Smart Boy!

Robby is one smart kid! (He must get that from his Momma!!)

He will hold up a toy and wait for you to say the name of it correctly. We try to trick him by saying something different, but he will keep holding it up until you get it right. Here is a video of Aunt Ness trying to trick him...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

First Haircut!

This weekend, Grandma Karen, Auntie Ness, Daddy and I took Robby to get his first haircut. He did really good! He fussed a little in the middle of the procedure and then cried at the very end when the electric razor was brought out. He kept saying "help, help" so we gave him a sucker which seemed to keep him happy and still for a couple minutes! Now he looks so much older...I cant believe he will be 2 years old next month!






Monday, October 6, 2008

Play Date

A few months ago I joined a mom's club which has a lot of fun outings for kids. It's a good chance for Robby to meet and play with other kids his own age. Today we all went to a big play center that has lots of mazes, tunnels, slides, climbing tubes and 2 ball pits. It was alot of fun and I'm sure we'll visit often through out the winter! (I wish they had places like this when I was a kid!!)