We can't believe that Jonathan is 6 months old! Time truly goes bye too fast! He has brought so much joy and love into our lives and we are blessed with two great boys!
Here are his accomplishments thus far:
sits up (as of 5 months old)
eats: rice cereal, bananas, avocado, prunes, and sweet potatoes
smiles and laughs
loves to watch everything Robby is doing
cries every time I leave the room
almost sleeps through the night
loves bath time and splashes in the water
loves to go on walks outside
picks up toys with both hands
is always sucking on his fingers
loves to drool
Here are some recent pictures, and some from the past so you can see how much he has grown. (I don't have any recent height and weight stats until his next doctor appointment on 11.12.09...stay tuned!)

6 months old

6 months old

5 months old

5 months old

5 months old

4 months old

3 months old

1 month old

a couple weeks old

1 month old

2 days old

a few hours old