Thursday, May 28, 2009

Our little Chunk

Today Jonathan is 1 month old! At birth he weighed 6lbs 13oz. The Doctor said that it usually takes 2 weeks to re-reach his birth weight and then babies will start to gain from that point forward. So according to that statistic, Jonathan should weigh somewhere between 7 - 8lbs. Today our little chunk weighed in at 9lbs 4oz! So as you can see, he is growing fast. I think most of the growth was in his cheeks! We think he is looking more like my side of the family, but it is hard to tell at this age.

Robby is adjusting well! He loves to hold his brother and try to kiss him. Here are some recent pictures of him playing in the water.

***** Jonathan at 3 weeks old *****

Jonathan is looking for something to eat

Kisses from big brother

***** Jonathan at 4 weeks old *****

Sweet boy's ok to have a double chin!

Awe...relaxing in the warm sun

***** Robby playing in the water today *****

So happy

My beautiful brown eyed boy

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Froggy Boots

Robby got a new pair of green froggy boots! He loves them and hates to take them off. He has tried wearing them in the tub and also to bed. Thanks Grandma Carol!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Jonathan is 2 weeks old

Jonathan is 2 weeks old today and doing great. He is trying his best to hold up his head. Everyday he is getting stronger. His favorite thing to do is sleep. Then eat and poop. He does not mind having a dirty diaper. (Which is a good thing because right after I change it, he will make a mess and fall asleep two seconds later!) He only cries if he has gas or is getting his diaper changed. Robby is adjusting well. He loves to kiss and hug his new brother.

Here are some pictures of his first bath from last week. He loved being in the water. Cried when we took him out and then once he was dressed he was ready for bed.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Robby's new baby

This morning when Robby woke up he received a special package from Grandma Carol. His very own baby. (Only, Robby pronounces it as Diddy.) Since Robby sees Rob & I with baby Jonathan she thought it was a good idea to get him a baby so that he could copy what we are doing. So far he is doing a great job. I know some day he will be a good Daddy to his own Diddy.

Robby & his Diddy

Sharing his juice with Diddy

Putting Diddy in the swing

Giving Diddy a binky

Giving Diddy something to eat

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Our new little blessing

Please join with us by welcoming Jonathan Lee Holden into our family! He was born on April 29th at 3:45am. Weight 6lbs 13 oz and 20 in long.

He decided to arrive 2 weeks early. My labor from start to finish was 45 minutes long. We barely made it to the hospital in time. (The doctor didn't even make it in time).

The Lord has definitely answered our prayers. (Every night Rob would pray for me that the Lord with give us a quick & safe delivery)! We are truly blessed by God's miracle of life!

***** Robby meeting his brother for the first time *****

***** Robby giving him kisses *****

***** Our first day at home *****