These last 2 weeks have been busy! We drove from Boise to Seattle to surprise Grandma Carol for her 60th birthday! It was great to visit with the whole family and friends. The highlight of the trip was at the zoo...Robby and his cousins got to ride a real camel. They all had huge smiles on their faces! Robby also got to ride on a school bus for the first time, a big semi truck and many other things! Here are pictures of all the things he rode on within the last two weeks. I will post more pictures of our Seattle trip later this week...Robby riding on Grandma's school bus!

Robby on his many different types of horsey rides
Riding on his cousin Ari
Riding on a horse on the carousel at the zoo
Riding on a huge moose that's almost taller then Daddy
Riding on a bear
Riding on a real camel at the zoo with all his cousins************************************************
Riding on Grandpa Bob
Riding on Grandpa Bob's boat