Robby choose to have a pirate party for his 5th birthday! He wanted to invite his 5 close friends from our neighborhood. The invitations read:AYE, ME HEARTY,COME TO ME 5TH BIRTHDAY PARTY!WE'LL HUNT FOR LOST TREASURE,AND HAVE FUN BEYOND MEASURE!SO SET SAIL AND CHART YE COURSE,FOR CAPTAIN ROBBY'S OR HAVE REMORSE!We played games like - Walk the Plank, Tic Toc Find the Croc, Pin the Treasure on the X, and of course a big treasure hunt! Plus we read pirate stories, made ocean bottles, had sword fights, and the kids also made a parrot...because every pirate needs a parrot! It was a great party!Captain Robby First Mate Jonny The whole crewRobby, Kara, Landon, Zak, Chloe and Nathan Rob reading a scary pirate story
Sword fight! Robby walking the plank!Robby and his friend Kara Zak and Robby
Everyone saying ARRRGGG!
Love how Jonny wears his eye patch in his hair! Robby blowing out his candles
Jonny eating the balls off the frosting Robby and Hannah Opening gifts Thank you to everyone for helping make this a great party for Robby!