Friday, April 25, 2008

Kissin' Cousins

This week Robby and I were in Seattle to visit family. In just 2 1/2 days we were able to squeeze in time with his new cousin Kylee, cousin Pam, Aunt Verna, Uncle Brian and Aunt Sierra, Grandpa Bob and his Great Grandma Mary.

Robby was really interested in his 2 month old cousin Kylee. He like holding her hand and rocking her in the car seat. Other highlights were: Robby squeezing/hugging cousin Pam, being chased by Grandpa Bob and laughing at his dancing, sitting on Aunt Sierra's lap the minute she walked thru the door, and of course spending time with his Great Grandma.

Thanks for a fun time. We sure miss you all!!!!

^Holding Kylee's hand^

^^Here are the three Robert Holdens^^

^Playing with Grandpa^

^Playing with Great Grandma^

1 comment:

Pamela said...

I just love that picture of Robby holding Kylee's hand! So sweet! Can you forward that to me? It was great spending time with you!! Always alot of crack me up!! Love you lots! Pam