The Holden House has been very busy...for the past 3 weeks we have had family and friends staying with us.
First out was my friend Christie and her baby Andrew. They stayed for almost 2 weeks! (they just left yesterday and we already miss them!!!) Robby loved having another little person around. They played, laughed and took baths together. Robby really needs another sibling soon!!!
Next to come out was Manesseh, her friend Julia, Shayne and Christian. They flew in to surprise their mom for Mothers Day. It has been a long time since we have all been together and we had a fun weekend!
Next to come out was Christie's husband David. He couldn't be away from his baby for a full two weeks!
So this weekend we had 8 adults and 2 kids...what a house full! We played alot of games and ate tons of food. Robby came down with an ear infection, fever and a cold a couple days before everyone got here, so it took him a couple days to start feeling better. Then on Sunday (mother's day) he gave me his miserable cold and I was in bed all day. Now Manesseh and Karen both caught it. Thank you Robby!
Next out was my mom. She came in on Monday just as everyone else was leaving, and is staying for a whole week!
It has been busy but alot of fun. There is nothing better then family and friends!

Just by looking at Robby's face you can tell
how sick he was.

Robby snuggling with Julia

Robby feeling better and playing outside

Robby on a walk with Grandma

Robby's first horse ride

Bath time with a friend is FUN!

Rob and Drew

Swimming with Christie and Andrew
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