Please join me in welcoming....Fritz the Fish!
Robby new word this week has been fish. Or I should "ish". I wanted to get him a goldfish, but the lady at the pet store talked us out of it. She said they grow too big no matter what size bowl they are in. So we decided to get a Beta. Robby was a little hesitant about sitting next to him at first, but he warmed up to him quickly. He even started dancing for Fritz.

^Not quite sure what to think...^

^He is saying "hi" to him^

^Robby dancing for his new buddy!^
In the video below you can hear him trying to say fish.
It comes out as ""ish". He is so proud!
Very cute, however, I was hoping for a different "addition" :o) You guys need to catch up to us, lol!
I bet Fritz loved Robby's dance.. I can only imagine how cute that was. Next fish lips..this opens a whole new learning experience..he he he!!
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