Monday, November 10, 2008

Guess Who's 2 Years Old?

On Saturday, Robby turned 2! For his birthday we took him to see the movie Madagascar 2, which he loved because of all the animals! Then he opened gifts and had cupcakes. Today he went to the doctor for his 2 year check up. He now weighs a whopping 24lbs which is almost in the 8% category and his height is at 35in which is at the 68% category. During his last visit in June his height was at 31in in the 10% category, so he has really shot up within the last few months!

Friday is my next prenatal doctor visit, so stay tuned for a new baby update!

Getting ready to leave for the movies

Opening gifts with grandma Karen and Benny

Yummy cupcakes



~The White family~ said...

Happy Birthday Robby!

Christie said...

Love the chocolate face! STOP GROWING UP already...geez! Love ya little man!!

Christina Johnson said...

Whoa, 2 already?? Happy birthday Robby!!

(And to answer your question - no jr's in our house)