Saturday, May 2, 2009

Our new little blessing

Please join with us by welcoming Jonathan Lee Holden into our family! He was born on April 29th at 3:45am. Weight 6lbs 13 oz and 20 in long.

He decided to arrive 2 weeks early. My labor from start to finish was 45 minutes long. We barely made it to the hospital in time. (The doctor didn't even make it in time).

The Lord has definitely answered our prayers. (Every night Rob would pray for me that the Lord with give us a quick & safe delivery)! We are truly blessed by God's miracle of life!

***** Robby meeting his brother for the first time *****

***** Robby giving him kisses *****

***** Our first day at home *****


~The White family~ said...

Congrats!!! He is adorable, of course!

Christie said...

YEAH, pictures! I have to admit I checked your blog several times a day hoping for pics! He is beautiful! He does look a little like Robby did, but a little different to. I can't wait to see him grow and change! We love you all! Kisses from Auntie (for both boys)!

Christina Johnson said...
