Friday, November 14, 2008

Baby update

Today we had our 2nd prenatal doctors appointment. We have made it to our second trimester! The first trimester was really rough on me, I was really sick and weak. But I am feeling much better now!

The baby is growing fast. Its already the size of a lemon; measuring about 3.5 inches and weighs 1.5 oz! All of its organs are formed and are starting to function and the baby already has its set of fingerprints.

We will be able to find out the sex of the baby on Christmas Eve. I've already got some guesses as to what people think its going to be. So far a girl is winning...sorry Rob. Tell me your guess and I will keep a running tally and we will see who the winner is!

Grandma Carol - girl
Grandma Karen C. - girl
Auntie Manesseh - girl
Rob - boy
Angela - girl
Christie - girl
Aubrey - girl
Great Grandma Mary - boy
Grandma Karen M. - girl


~The White family~ said...

Since you think girl then I will say GIRL!!! I think Mommy know best ;) I can't wait to hear! I am glad you are feeling better now. Hope you can enjoy all the yummy foods at Thanksgiving!

carol said...

Grandma Kain - boy