Wednesday, February 3, 2010

9 months...

Our little boy is now 9 months old! He is out of the cute baby stage and has now fully entered the busy toddler stage! He loves to explore everything and eat anything. He also loves to follow Robby around and has learned how to take toys and food away from him! Robby has learned how to hide from his little brother for his own safety.
Jonathan- 9 months old

Big brother pushing him around the kitchen

Jonathan loves music and is always playing his piano

Robby's last days before we get his hair cut!!!

Jonathan wanting to climb the stairs...

He wont let anything get in his way!


Sanstrom Seven said...

These boys are too cute! And our pictures are GREAT! I need to just stop fiddle-farting around and pick a date to come visit!

Sanstrom Seven said...

That was supposed to say YOUR pictures are great!

Life Enjoyed said...

They are so cute! It is fun to see them playing together, even if "playing" involves hiding or taking each others toys!

Christie said...

SOOO CUTE! I just want to kiss those cheeks! I miss my boys! Jonny is getting way to big, not fair! We miss you all!

Mocha Momma said...

They are truly cutie pies. So glad you guys got married and had some kids.

Just wondering what took you to Idaho?
